Collaborative Advantage Buch

Collaborative Advantage:
How Open Organizations Thrive in Volatility

In this book, the authors analyze how exceptional leaders have not only survived but thrived in volatility by skillfully orchestrating agile collaborative networks with customers, partners and start-ups. In-depth case studies and personal reflections of these leaders provide you with actionable inspirations for your own practice. Underpinned with cutting edge research, it illustrates how these collaborations can be managed in a data-driven way.


Intellectual Property Management for Start-ups

This book examines intellectual property (IP) as an important value driver for start-ups. Businesses of all sizes are inevitably confronted with intellectual property issues at some point, but start-ups and their collaborators face unique challenges and opportunities in IP management. Identifying, generating, and exploiting intellectual property can lead to sustainable competitive advantages and avoidance of risks. Many start-ups sense the complexity of IP management and therefore place their energy elsewhere. However, the clear conclusion to be drawn from this unique collection of contributions is that putting an IP management strategy in place is critical to the successful development of a business.



Connected Business
Create Value in a Networked Economy

(EN) How do you develop business in a world certain to be dominated by Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and the Economy of Things?
This book brings together leading scholars from academia, established practitioners, and thought-leading consultants who analyse and provide guidance to answer this question.
Case studies, checklists, success factors, help readers get a grip on this fast-paced development. At the same time, the authors do not shy away from addressing the hurdles and barriers to implementation.


Smart City – Introducing Digital Innovation to Cities

The book offers answers, with clarifying examples, to questions that have remained unanswered for many cities. The book identifies and addresses the core elements and potential of smart cities, best practice methods and tools to be implemented, as well as how diverse stakeholders might be effectively integrated.


Patent Management

This book provides an overview of the common concepts and building blocks of patent management. It addresses executives in the areas of innovation, R & D, patent and intellectual property management as well as academics and students.The authors give valuable information on the characteristics of patent and intellectual property management, based on the collaboration with companies and organizations from Europe, China, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, India, Canada and the US.


Digitale Transformation gestalten: Geschäftsmodelle Erfolgsfaktoren Checklisten (3. Auflage)

(DE) Digitalisierung hat sich zum strategischen Wettbewerbsfaktor entwickelt. Um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, müssen Unternehmen den digitalen Wandel und seine Chancen nutzen. Die digitale Transformation betrifft dabei nicht nur IT-Verantwortliche, sondern ist Aufgabe des gesamten Unternehmens.
Führende Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Unternehmen zeigen in konzeptionell-strategischen Beiträgen und Fallstudien, wie die digitale Transformation erfolgreich gestaltet und umgesetzt werden kann. Handlungsanweisungen, Checklisten, Erfolgsfaktoren sowie Hinweise auf Hürden erleichtern den Transfer in die Praxis.


Intellectual Property Management in R & D Collaborations

This work examines the current, relevant and complex problem of how companies can take an intellectual property lead within research and development collaborations. Special emphasis is placed on the early phases of the innovation process and the service industry sector in which intellectual property management is still a new phenomenon. The author derives archetypes for managing intellectual property in collaborations and analyses their strengths and weaknesses. The findings of the book are based on a series of interviews with companies in a variety of industries and regions, as well as on a detailed examination of the service companies IBM, SAP, Swisscom and SwissRe. The author offers organizational and managerial recommendations based both on his extensive industry background and on scientifically induced hypotheses, and has thus written a book of interest to both scientists and practitioners.



The Innovation Culture Navigator: 66 inspiring culture practices

Innovation is not exclusively reserved for Steve Jobs, Picasso or Mozart. Rather, every person can be innovative if he or she is allowed, willing and capable. A strong innovation culture can be shaped through concrete practices. It has tangible results: higher innovation rates, higher employee satisfaction and higher company growth and profits. 66 cultural practices are compiled in the St.Gallen Innovation Culture Navigator and serve as inspiration to kick-off your innovation culture .


The Business Model Navigator
(2nd Edition)

A strong business model is the bedrock to business success. But all too often we fail to adapt, clinging to outdated models that are no longer delivering the results we need. The brains behind The Business Model Navigator have discovered that just 55 business models are responsible for 90% of the world’s most successful businesses. These 55 models – from the Add-On model used by Ryanair to the Subscription model used by Spotify – provide the blueprints you need to revolutionise your business and drive powerful change. As well as providing a practical framework for adapting and innovating your business model, this book also includes each of the 55 models in a quick-read format.


Leading Pharmaceutical Innovation
(3rd Edition)

“The 3rd edition is not only an update. It’s an outstandingly featured summary on the challenges of pharma innovation.” Eckard von Keutz, Bayer Healthcare

This book investigates and highlights the most critical challenges the pharmaceutical industry faces in an increasingly competitive environment of inflationary R&D investments and tightening cost control pressure.



Exploring the Field of Business Model Innovation: New Theoretical Perspectives

Presenting a broad literature review of scholarly work in the area of Business Model Innovation, this book analyses 50 management theories in the context of BMI to yield valuable new insights. Research on BMI is still in its infancy and has so far proved to be more than just a sub-discipline of strategy or innovation research.

Managing Global Innovation (3rd Edition)

What are the secrets of competitive R&D on a global scale? Based on empirical research with hundreds of R&D executives from more than 80 companies and 1000 R&D laboratories, the authors present new concepts and trends in global R&D management. Case studies from 22 best-practice companies illustrate how to put these concepts into practice. Adding new examples and management models, this third edition has been completely revised and updated incorporating emerging themes in R&D such as intellectual property management, innovation in China and India, technology listening posts, and leading R&D centers.

Management of the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation

This book shows the patterns of the fuzzy front end of innovation and how it can be managed successfully. Topics in this book cover traditional instruments and processes such as technology monitoring, market-oriented research management, lead-user developments, but also modern approaches such as frontloading, user community-driven innovation, crowdsourcing, anthropological expeditions, technological listening posts in global R&D settings, cross-industry innovation processes, open innovation, and IP cycle management. Contributions are based on latest research and cases studies on this new paradigm.

Profiting from Innovation in China

China is dramatically catching up and is rapidly becoming a leading technological innovator on the global scale. The number of Chinese firms with global ambitions is growing fast, more and more technological innovation is coming from China, and the number of patents in China is also growing steadily. The negative side of this development is the still insufficient protection of intellectual property in China. The phenomenon of counterfeits originating from China has increased constantly over the past two decades. Moreover, within the past ten years the scale of intellectual property theft has risen exponentially in terms of its sophistication, volume, the range of goods, and the countries affected. This book addresses managers dealing with innovation in China, and offers concrete advice on how Western firms can benefit from these innovations. Among others, it provides examples and checklists to help decision-makers active in China.​​