Episode 41:
10n1 mit Oliver Gassmann, Innovationspapst und -professor
Schnelllieferdienste: Unter den Lebensmittel-Schnell-Lieferdiensten rollt die Konsolidierungswelle. Sind die Geschäftsmodelle von Getir, Flink & Co. überlebensfähig? Bekommen sie die Kosten in den Griff? Sind sie in der Lage, relevante Bedürfnisse einer ausreichend grossen Anzahl von Kunden und Kundinnen zufriedenzustellen?
Die künstliche Intelligenz zieht unaufhaltsam in die Arbeitswelt ein. Was bedeutet dies für die Ausbildung des Management- und Marketing-Nachwuchses an den Universitäten und Fachhochschulen? Wird KI zukünftig die Einstiegs- und Junior-Positionen in den Unternehmen und in der Beratung substituieren?
Vielen Dank an Torsten Tomczak und das Team von Dirty Deed’s Done Well!
MIF Lunch & Learn
McGill University, Canada: Panel discussion:
„Developing an IP Strategy“
Prof. Dr. Martin Bader was recently a panel guest speaker on “Developing an IP Strategy” hosted by McGill University, Montréal, Canada as part of their MIF Lunch & Learn series. Together with other experts, important topics such as protecting IP assets and leveraging IP for business growth were discussed.
Many thanks to McGill University for the invitation and the opportunity to participate in this important discussion.
One more feature. One more gadget. More is more, that is the industrial overkill logic.
The consequences: increasing complexity, rising demand for resources.
And an increasing burden on the environment.
There is another way. Frugal innovation means using innovative ideas to get more out of limited resources.
Poorer countries are better at this; shortages fuel creativity.
But in industrialized countries, too, frugal innovation is becoming more important in view of global warming
and more unstable supply chains.
Lukas Neumann, one of the founders of the Frugal Innovation Network, will be speaking
on the topic of frugal innovation at GDI’s Trend Day 2002.
Deep Dive Into Big Pharma AI Productivity: One Study Shaking The Pharmaceutical Industry
Read the latest article by Oliver Gassmann. The article about Big Pharma AI Productivity has been published in Forbes, read the article and the interviews with the authors here.
Click here for the original research paper published in the prestigious Drug Discovery Today journal (2020).

Productivity in times of the corona virus – home office, but how?
Not only Switzerland, but the whole world is in an extraordinary situation. The number of cases is increasing rapidly. The entire population is affected and everyone must now take responsibility. As the FOPH has recommended, it is particularly important to stay at home in these times. All the more reason to work from home if possible.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Gassmann explains in this sense what has to be considered when working from home. Read the article in the “Tagblatt” here (German).

David versus Goliath? Or do small companies have a chance of survival against international corporations?
Small companies often think that they have no chance against corporations when it comes to innovative ideas because they don’t have the necessary budgets.
Innovation expert Prof. Dr. Christoph Wecht explains what is important in change processes and why executives should use a trampoline as a model.
Read the interview from the “Kleine Zeitung” here (German).

Corona and Business Model Innovation – Interview with Carl Koerl the founder of Sportradar.
Oliver Gassmann interviews Carsten Koerl of Sportradar, a data-driven Swiss unicorn.
He talks about how they survived the Corona crisis using business model innovation, agile methods and short-term product redevelopment.
Award-winning patent management book
The newly published patent management book by co-founder Prof. Dr. Oliver Gassmann, partner Prof. Dr. Martin A. Bader and Mark James Thompson has won the IPKat Book of the Year Awards 2020 for the best patent law book. Read more here (EN)
Food for thoughts by Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Wecht
Innovate or die? Ever faster technological innovation cycles, increasing customer demands, and increasing competition due to globalization are constantly adding to the pressure on companies. Companies can escape them by differentiation through innovation. Innovative companies avoid the price war via the unique position of their solutions, they attract the best employees, and they have easy access to capital. Click here to get a first glimpse into the topic of innovation culture.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Ranking 2020
Prof. Dr. Oliver Gassmann, member of the BGW founding team, is again listed in the F.A.Z. Ranking 2020 of the most influential economists in the German-speaking world, section Science.
Congratulations Oliver!

The Havard Business manager has written a review about our Innovation Culture Navigator.
Enjoy reading – click here
Prof. Oliver Gassmann talks about Smart Cities. University of St.Gallen #2minutes
Enjoy – click here
Prof. Dr. Christoph Wecht spoke at the info event of the Smart Business Center Graz-West: “Today, you can only differentiate yourself through business models”.
Read article – click here