Are you wondering how to define innovation for your company? Would you like to develop a vision or are you in the process of defining strategic fields of action? How open/closed or centralized/decentralized should your approach to innovation be? How and where do you use your limited resources in a target-oriented way? Which capabilities are missing and how do you intend to build them up? What are the key strategic thrusts? Will initiatives be prioritized, and how will implementation success be measured?
Questions like these should be answered in an innovation strategy because successful innovation only occurs when the right solution meets a latent customer need at the right time. However, it is not always easy to identify those opportunities that truly add value. This is where the innovation strategy comes in.
A successful innovation strategy derives from the corporate strategy concerning what types of innovation are needed and to the extent to which the business goals must be achieved in the long term to secure competitive advantages. A common innovation vision supported by everyone sets the direction and ultimately defines the activities, capabilities and resources required to achieve these goals. With the constant technological developments and numerous interaction possibilities, strategic focusing of limited resources is essential.
Our experienced team supports you in developing your innovation strategy and vision, building a strategic innovation portfolio or leverage existing core competencies to identify specific gaps.
We offer the following services:
- Development of your innovation strategy or thesis
- Development of your innovation vision and mission
- Definition of innovation for your company
- Identification of strategic gaps based on the comparison of internal and external perspectives (including an innovation audit)
- Derivation of strategic initiatives for implementation in a strategic innovation portfolio
- Development of a robust innovation control system to measure and manage implementation successes




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Do not hesitate to contact Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Wecht for further Information.