How do we organize innovation? What roles, committees and organizational forms are needed for this? How do we set up an innovation hub or innovation lab correctly? What role should central innovation teams play?

An organizational structure is derived from a strategy to ensure that the strategic goals can be achieved (structure follows strategy). Because innovation management is a multifunctional task, it runs across classical hierarchical organizational structures, which are typically structured according to functions such as research and development (R&D) or marketing. However, organizational conditions must be created to ensure the coordination of the various innovation projects. As a general rule, flexibility must not be lost through too much formalism and bureaucracy. However, as a company grows, a certain degree of centralization of innovation competence is necessary to ensure project coordination and prioritization.

Our experienced team helps you to define the most target-oriented forms of organization and to integrate them optimally, whether this is a planned innovation laboratory or centralized innovation management.

We offer to

  • Create organizational conditions
  • Define tasks and roles clearly and comprehensibly
  • Ensure personnel and financial resources
  • Regulate responsibilities and map them organizationally
  • Ensure project coordination and prioritization

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Wecht

Do not hesitate to contact Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Wecht for further Information.