Europe is facing change. Economically, we are facing a transition from the Internet of Things to the Economy of Things – a state in which things interact economically, independently and autonomously. Politically, data sovereignty is gaining importance. Therefore, society is currently confronted with a complex and fast-moving world.
Many of these opportunities and challenges stem from platform democratization, fostered by technologies such as DLTs (Distributet Ledger Technology) /blockchain and artificial intelligence.
For this purpose, together with the Institute for Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen (ITEM-HSG) we launched the “Decentralized Incentivized” initiatives.
Together with academia, business and politics, a harmonious balance of technological possibilities, economic requirements and social opportunities is sought. How do governance models enable us to shift successfully from centralized platform monopolies to democratized and decentralized platform ecosystems? What role do incentive mechanisms play in the newly emerging decentralization? What is required to achieve the transformation from the Internet of Things to the Economy of Things?